Igor Chovpan

I am a Computer Science student at the University of Toronto, I have 1YoE in C++.

I am mainly interested in backend development and high-performance computing, but I am always looking to learn something new!


Ray tracing benchmark

I implemented sphere renderers in Java, Python, Numpy and CUDA and benchmarked them.

Java code turned out to be 50x faster than CPython, and CUDA implementation is 1000x faster!

Check the benchmark results here: https://github.com/chopikus/raytracing-bench

Game Of Life Client

Any white cell with 2 to 3 neighbours stays white, any black cell with 3 white neighbours turns white. Otherwise a cell turns black.

This client can compute millions of updates for a 50000x50000 grid in less than a second.
Supports mobile and desktop.

For more details check out this blog.

Metagalaxy pattern, size 31000x31000, running on Windows 11.
link to pattern

URL share

I also wrote a small app that makes short URLs. Here is the source code in Go.

Other projects

For more projects check my Github!